Entries by Julie Kantor

Nine Ways to Prioritize Mental Health and Wellbeing in 2024

It is National Mentoring Month and we decided that we need to shine the light on mental health in the workplace. Mentoring elevates wellbeing, retention and mental health. As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, the importance of prioritizing mental health and wellbeing has become increasingly evident. Let’s face it, we are struggling […]

Propel Leadership Excellence in 2024: Why Top Companies Are Betting Big on Mentoring!

As we navigate through 2024, leading companies are strategically investing in mentoring to catapult leadership development to new heights. Astounding research shows that 79% of Millennials view mentoring as essential to their career trajectory. This spotlight on mentoring underscores its critical role as a catalyst for cultivating adept, agile leaders capable of steering organizations through […]

Mentoring & Your Employees’ Mental Health: What Companies Can Do

The percentage of full-time US workers who are dealing with mental health concerns has dramatically increased in recent years. According to the World Health Organisation, stress and depression account for over 12 billion lost working days annually. The mental health epidemic is now stated to impact 1:2 individuals globally The surprising significance a mental health […]

5 Benefits of Mentoring in the Legal Profession

Let’s face it, we know we are dealing with a mental health epidemic and the hybrid work environment has made us more productive, but less sane. Here is our prior article on this topic. We’ve decided to look at how to bridge the loneliness + quite quitting gap in many industries and look at the […]

Happier Employees: Let’s Revisit Quiet Quitting

“Julie, I am no longer going to put in 120%,” Barry* shared with me after his finance company had a second round of layoffs and he started feeling distrustful and overwhelmed with the additional responsibilities placed on him. The layoffs were not financially motivated and he lost 14 team members. “Maybe I will shoot for […]

Are Managers Calling it Quits?

Summer is over, the kids are getting ready to go back to school, and it’s that time of year when the job market starts to feel some heat. The last two years took business leaders into new territory. In this unpredictable environment, leaders experienced more employee turnover and burned-out employees than ever before. Managers are […]

Why Are We So Grateful For All The People Who Mentor?

In the intricate tapestry of human development, mentors serve as beacons of guidance, illuminating the path toward personal and professional growth. The significance of mentors cannot be overstated, as they play a pivotal role in shaping individuals into competent,confident, and well-rounded beings. This article explores the profound impact of mentors and goes into the reasons […]