Custom Leadership Programs: Take Flight with Your Sponsor

While a mentor speaks with you and shares from their invaluable learning, a sponsor speaks about you behind closed doors and champions you to others. Sponsors have a dramatic influence on an individual’s career advancement, company succession plans and elevating diverse leaders. As Twomentor Founder and CEO says, “the hiring room is often not a meritocracy. Every successful candidate in that room has a champion speaking up for them.” Unfortunately, not all high potential employees have equitable access to sponsors and most leaders mentor and sponsor in their own likeness. Research from Mckinsey, the Center for Talent Innovation, the Boston Consulting Group have all shown that people of color, women, LGBTQ+ individuals and other under-represented groups often lack sponsors. Formal sponsorship programs engineer and ensure access to internal champions for high potential employees. Simultaneously, these initiatives also help executives build their leadership skills and living legacies.

Advance succession planning.

Drive greater inclusion and belonging.

Programming for retention of high potential (HiPo) talent.

A ‘real deal’ pay-it-forward play with major ROI

To schedule a 30-Min strategy discussion and learn more, please email

  • Career Advancement

    Leaders with sponsors are more likely to feel happier with their career progression than those without

  • Succession Planning

    Help executives build their living legacies

  • Drive Diversity

    Too often, leaders sponsor people in their own likeness. Create a formal sponsor program to drive diverse sponsorship.

Click here to find out more about the value of workplace sponsorship initiatives.