Ready to Bring Huge Value to Your Employees

  • Mentoring-in-a-Box Get ready to elevate your workforce. We come in and deliver your dynamic world-class mentoring initiative as an extended part of your team (6-12 month engagement).
  • Customized Mentor and Mentee Certification Training
  • Award-Winning Flash (Speed) Mentoring Sessions (1 – 1.5 hours): Outstanding for conferences with 97% engagement. We have developed 11 curriculum experiences for managers, leaders, sales workforce, association members, entrepreneurial leaders, university alumni, and more.
  • Mentor 2.0: Leadership Legacy Training Geared toward senior execs. Building your ‘flight plan’ (suggested for VPs and above- emphasis on sponsorship for HiPo talent)
  • Internship Strategies for success (onboarding/training, and retaining future employees)
  • Keynote Speaking or Webinars on topics including 8 Steps to Launching Your Corporate Mentoring Program; Want to Keep Your Millennials? Mentor Them; Saying YES! in Work & in Life (Social impact); I See You: On Workplace Mentoring (and the Business Case for Mentoring); Men Mentoring Women: 8 Healthy Boundaries in the Age of #MeToo; Beyond the Giving Tree: Building Your Professional Orchard of Support; Co-Sponsorship: A Game Changer for Women; Elevating Girls & Women in STEM

“Julie brought a great deal of energy and enthusiasm to our Mentoring Month activities. She fully engaged the audience and shared excellent insights during her session on Mentoring Millennials. The Mentor Road Trip™ also introduced participants to a unique approach to speed mentoring, which made the experience exciting. It was our first time of working with Twomentor, and the wealth of experience and knowledge that Julie offered was valuable. We appreciate Julie’s contribution to making the 2017 Mentoring Month a success.”

Lara Koroye, World Bank Group

It takes two to make things go right, It takes two to make it outta sight.- Rob Base & DJ EZ Rock. We agree. It takes two to mentor.

Twomentor, a sub-chapter S Corporation, is a high-impact training and development company focused on talent strategies for a skilled workforce. We come in as an extended part of your team to build mentoring cultures & boost mentoring initiatives, offer mentor training to your employees and members (with a playbook), and are known globally for our Mentor Road Trip™ and 12 Flash Mentoring experiences. We have experience working with Fortune 500 Companies, mid-size businesses, education institutions, associations, and nonprofit organizations. Check out our top 50+ keynotes and training sessions click here.

Schedule a no-obligation call with our team here