Does She Need a Role Model, a Mentor, or a Sponsor?
It was about time to get the word ‘women’ into ‘mentor’. So, I did. Just...
Why I Loved Yoga With Goats: And What I Learned About Us
As I got some of my best stretches in (ever) on the yoga mats, I...
Mentoring is the Down Payment on Our Future
“Service is the Rent We Pay for Living,” said our high school graduation speaker Marian...
Is Corporate Mentoring Nice to Have or Have to Have?
In this weeks’ NYTimes, there was a great article “Executive Mentors Wanted: Only Millennials Need Apply,” by Kevin Roose. The topic is seasoned leaders...
Time to Mentor 2.0 (Mentor+Sponsor)
I was on cloud 91/2 last week at the Diversity Women’s Leadership Conference put on Diversity Woman...
Don’t Have Time to Mentor? You Might Want to Rethink That
“I have talked more people off a ledge from leaving our company,” said Cheryl* CEO...
Going Through Big Corporate Changes? Time to Start Mentoring Initiative at Your Company
What happens when the leaders leave (or are replaced)? When the revenues are not resembling...
Developing & Mentoring Your Junior Sales Force
“The best players do not always make the best coaches or mentors,” said a Commercial...
Beyond The Giving Tree: Building a Professional Orchard of Support
“ and she loved a boy very, very much — even more than she...